Eternium modded
Eternium modded

eternium modded eternium modded

Deadly pistols, explosives, traps – these are only a small part of his abilities.

  • Hunter is a cunning dodger wielding small arms.
  • His main weapons are swords and shields, while his abilities allow destroying groups of enemies with melee attacks.

    eternium modded

    Warrior is a skilled melee fighter with many health points.You should seriously think about character selection in Eternium, as there are three classes to choose: Each specific symbol represents a certain skill, which looks very convenient. For example, check mark, zigzag and so on. In order to apply skills, you need to draw certain symbols on the screen. Everything is also quite unusual with mechanics of using abilities. It is quite unusual, since joystick is solution that is more common. In order to move, you need to click on the right place to send your hero to the specified point. Main gameplay feature is unique combat system and character control mechanics as a whole. Not every role-playing project can boast such a warm attitude from players. It is impossible not to mention the highest mark of 4.8 points. Such an impressive amount did not appear immediately, but accumulated over the years of its existence. If you look at game statistics in the official sources, you will see a staggering figure of ten million downloads. Complete story and try your hand at multiplayer.

    Eternium modded